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Downtown Resident Group February Meeting Recap

March 4, 2025

Category:  Downtown Partnership

The Downtown Resident Group continues! On Tuesday, February 25, nearly 40 residents came together for the Downtown Resident Group's second ever meeting. Residents from various Downtown districts and neighborhoods gathered at the Downtown YMCA to share ideas and discuss insights about living in Downtown Tulsa.

The meeting started with residents introducing themselves, what district they represent, and a favorite Downtown restaurant, bar, or cafe. 

After introductions, the idea of representing the resident community as a group was discussed, specifically how powerful 40 people in a room can be, especially for advocacy. The idea of a quarterly email to city officials discussing ideas, challenges, and calls for action was highlighted. 

Building upon January’s meeting, residents were divided into two groups to discuss two ongoing projects for those living downtown: social events and beautification activities. 

Social Events: 

  • Key highlights include the possibility of a tool to connect Downtown residents on a quick and accessible level. Slack was the agreed upon platform for resident communication. 
  • Having a resident-led social gathering every quarter, month, etc. Would make residents feel more inclined to connect with one another, especially if at a local Downtown business. 
  • Having a resident presence at the upcoming Downtown Tulsa Market was considered, which continues to group’s drive to support local entrepreneurs and revitalize a Downtown space in Chapman Green. 

Beautification Activities: 

  • Potential volunteering activities throughout Downtown were discussed and can be as small or grand as desired. 
  • Resident-led activity ideas for beautification include restoring Trinity garden, picking up trash throughout Downtown, advocating for fountain restoration. 
  • These activities and calls for action can benefit if the Downtown Resident Group were to implement a quarterly email to officials, highlighting the group as an important voice for Downtown’s future. 

The second meeting for the Downtown Resident Group was a major success! We look forward to hosting the next meeting on Tuesday, March 25, 2025, 6:00 PM at the Downtown YMCA.

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