Downtown Tulsa Holiday Lights and Decor
Guthrie Green
Thousands of lights make Guthrie Green glow especially bright during the holiday season.

Boston Avenue Methodist Church
Back for a second year, Boston Avenue Methodist Church has decorated 60 trees on their property to help bring light during a challenging year.

Chapman Green
Located at 6th and Boston Ave, Chapman Green is perfect for a stroll through the heart of Downtown Tulsa.

Williams Green
The Singing Tree responds through light to ambient sounds and voices and music nearby and is back for a second year. New this year are more trees adorned with green and white lights.

Downtown snowflakes
More than 200 snowflakes are located on light poles throughout Downtown Tulsa.

Main Street
Main Street between 3rd Street and Chapman Green has been lined with tree lights for the first time this year. Stop in Bartlett Square to see the large ornament display.

Dine Under Decor
So many Downtown restaurants and bars dress up to the nines for the holidays. Warm up with a meal or drink under holiday decor inside one of our many establishments.